Showing posts with label Keighley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keighley. Show all posts

Sunday 8 September 2013

Shimla Spice - English Curry Awards 2013

Congratulations to the mighty Shimla Spice for recently landing yet another set of awards.  This time at the prestigious English Curry Awards 2013.  But when will they stop?  There can't be many more awards left!

Announced as competition finalists in mid August, Shimla Spice went on to beat stiff competition and win not only the Best Restaurant in Yorkshire 2013 category, but also the Best Restaurant in England 2013 category too!  It is, of course, a great achievement for Shimla Spice, and an excellent reward for a lot of hard work but, thinking of the bigger picture, how fantastic is it for the Bradford area itself?  It says a lot about the quality of the food available in the city and surrounding area.  Shimla Spice have done themselves and the Bradford - The Curry Capital of Britain - proud.

So a massive well done Shimla Spice.  I am looking forward to my next visits to this award winning restaurant, and hope experiences such as these will issue forth... Bring it on!